(originally wrote on August, 5th, 2005)
SICK OF THIS (peeeep) !!
Rite now, i just wanna shout out to the whole world that i'm SICK of these (peeeep)s. Why can I just be happy with the way i am? Why can people just forget about the (peeeep)s in the past and just MOVE ON with their life? Why they have to judge me and throw a dirty look at me like i'm sum' kind of bi-atch? Why can i choose my own choice according to my own willingness? Well... why don't they mind their own (peeeep)in' bussiness?!
DAMN IT !! This is my life and should u people tell me what i have to do ?
I just don't understand what y'all thinkin'..
Must i choose sumthin' according the law? Must i choose sumthin' that everybody would choose eventhough i don't wanna choose that (peeeep).
THIS IS MY LIFE and y'all don't have the right to judge it becoz y'all don't know the whole story and the reasons why i'm doin' this. Y'all don't even have courage to do what i do. Y'all don't even know HOW to do it. Y'all just shout and shout and judge. Y'all just blame everybody else and thinks u are RIGHT but y'all don't even don't know which is wrong nor which is right !!!
Just SHUT ur (peeeep)in' stinky mouth. Judge urself! Shout that to urself! Put urself in front of the mirror! See urself with ur own (peeep)in' eyes!
THIS IS MY LIFE and i have news from y'all mutha(peeeep)
Y'aLL MuTHaF*cKa SaID ThaT I SucK..
LiL' Y JuST DoNT GiVe A DaMN..
I DuNNo.. I DuNNo.. I DonT GiVe A F*cK..
I DonT CaRe.. I DonT CaRe.. I DonT GiVe A F*cK..
Y'aLL WaNNa KnoW Why I DonT GiVe A F*cK ??!
'Coz I'm LiTTLe Y... I DoNT GiVe A F*CK !!!
Bi-AtcH !!!
(original version taken from NUFF SUM's JUST DONT GIVE A F*CK)
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